Time Units #
Time Unit | Possible Input Formats |
Second | s, sec, secs, second, seconds |
Minute | m, min, mins, minute, minutes |
Hour | h, hour, hours |
Day | d, day, days |
Usage Examples
/reminder add 1h - Adds a reminder that will trigger in 1 hour.
.mod mute @exine "3days 12h" - Mutes the user for 3 days and 12 hours.
Adding Variables to Messages #
Here are the variables you can add to join messages, level-up messages, and others.
user - User Variables
- id: The user's unique identifier.
- name: The user's name.
- mention: A formatted tag to mention the user.
- display_name: The user's display name.
- global_name: The user's global name (for users with the new naming system).
channel - Channel Variables
- id: The channel's unique identifier.
- name: The channel's name.
- mention: A formatted tag to mention the channel.
guild - Server Variables
- id: The server's unique identifier.
- name: The server's name.
- icon_url: The server's icon URL.
- created_at: The server's creation date.
- member_count: The number of members on the server.
- shard_id: The shard ID, if sharding is used.
- premium_tier: The server's Nitro Boost level (0-3).
- premium_subscription_count: The number of active boosts.
- rules_channel: The server's rules channel (channel variables).
level - Level Variables (Only in the ranking system)
- new - The new level.
- old - The previous level.
- required_xp - The XP required for the next level.
Usage Examples
🎉 Welcome to the server, {user.mention}! Be sure to check out the rules in {guild.rules_channel.mention}.
🎉 Welcome to the server, @olexkram! Be sure to check out the rules in #rules.
🏅 Congratulations, **{user.display_name}**! You’ve reached a new level **{}**, with only **{level.required_xp}**xp. left to the next one!
🏅 Congratulations, olexkram! You’ve reached a new level 4, with only 1600xp. left to the next one!
📢 {} has {guild.member_count} members and has been active since <t:{guild.created_at}>. Join us!
📢 Exine Community has 147 members and has been active since 4 July 2023 20:21. Join us!
🚀 Our server, **{}**, has reached level **{guild.premium_tier}** thanks to your boosts! Thank you to the **{guild.premium_subscription_count}** boosters!
🚀 Our server, Exine Community, has reached level 3 thanks to your boosts! Thank you to the 14 boosters!